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Adult Protective Services for Online Reporting

The Idaho Commission on Aging provides this secure online system for mandated reporters and financial institutions to report suspicions of maltreatment against vulnerable adults age 18 years and older. Available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

It may take more than 72 hours to process online reports.

Emergency Reports

Call 911 or your local law enforcement agency if someone needs emergency assistance or is in a life-threatening situation.

Online Reports

Online reporting is ONLY available to those who are mandated by state law to report suspected maltreatment of vulnerable adults per Idaho Code 39-5303 and financial institutions. All other reporters must call the local Area Agency on Aging during normal business hours to make a report.

Online reports will be accepted only after all required questions have been answered.

  • Answer all questions with complete detail and descriptive information about the situation.
  • All reports accepted online will be screened and documented by the local Area Agency on Aging (AAA) Intake during normal business hours of the AAA.
  • Reports that meet criteria (maltreatment of a vulnerable adult) will be referred to Adult Protective Services (APS).
  • Reports that do not meet criteria for referral to APS may be referred for other services.

State Mandated Reporters (Idaho Code 39-5303)

Any licensed medical professionals, emergency services personnel, facility employees, skilled nursing facility employees, employees of an entity responsible for providing care to a vulnerable adult, medical examiners, social workers, or law enforcement personnel who have reasonable cause to believe that a vulnerable adult is being or has been maltreated shall report such information to the commission's designated APS provider as expeditiously as possible but within twenty-four (24) hours of acquiring the information that forms the basis of such reasonable cause.* Skilled nursing facilities and employees of such facilities shall make reports to the Department of Health and Welfare.

Anonymous Reports

Anonymous reports are not accepted through online reporting.

  • Anonymous reports are accepted via telephone intake during business hours of the local AAA.


To ensure confidentiality we have designed our web site so the information you report cannot be saved to your computer. However, you may print a receipt after submission.

This web site's security is sufficient to permit HIPAA-covered entities to file reports of adult maltreatment. The reporter will receive a popup confirmation when an online report has been accepted. The reporter will receive no other confirmation or information regarding a report or the outcome of an APS investigation.

Call your local Area Agency on Aging if for any reason you have trouble reporting your concerns on this website.

Connect with your local Area Agency on Aging office.

ADRC staff are available to help you explore your options to meet your current needs or create a plan for the future.

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Disclaimer: Please note that because providers voluntarily list their services on this site, all providers in the state may not be listed. While we strive to ensure the accuracy of the information on this site, the inclusion of a provider listing on ADRC.

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