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Assess Your Needs

This assessment lets you quickly evaluate your service needs.

To see a list of relevant services:
1. Answer as many of the eleven questions below as you can
2. Select the county you in which you would like to receive services
3. Click 'Submit'
4. Review the list of available services that may meet your needs

Note: The questions on this page are worded from the point of view of the person seeking services for him- or herself. However, if you are looking for services for someone else, you can still use this assessment by answering the questions that apply to the person you have in mind.

Connect with your local Area Agency on Aging office.

ADRC staff are available to help you explore your options to meet your current needs or create a plan for the future.

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Disclaimer: Please note that because providers voluntarily list their services on this site, all providers in the state may not be listed. While we strive to ensure the accuracy of the information on this site, the inclusion of a provider listing on ADRC.

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